assemble | amalgamate two or more Humdrum files |
census | determine general properties of a Humdrum input |
cents | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to cents |
cleave | join tokens from two or more Humdrum spines into a single output spine |
context | congeal Humdrum data records to form a contextual frame |
correl | measure the numerical similarity between two Humdrum spines |
deg | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to relative scale degree (**deg) |
degree | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to absolute scale degree (**degree) |
diss | calculate the degree of sensory dissonance for successive spectra
(**diss) |
ditto | replace Humdrum null tokens with previous data token |
encode | interactive Humdrum encoding from MIDI input |
extract | get specified spines from a Humdrum input |
fields | list spine/field structure of a Humdrum file |
fin2hum | translate Finale files to Humdrum |
freq | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to frequency |
hint | determine harmonic intervals between concurrent pitches for Humdrum inputs |
hum2fin | translate Humdrum files to Finale |
humdrum | general syntax checker for Humdrum files |
humsed | stream editor for Humdrum inputs |
humver | display Humdrum toolkit version and copyright information |
infot | calculate information theory measures for Humdrum inputs |
iv | determine interval-class vectors for successive vertical sonorities for Humdrum inputs |
kern | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to **kern |
key | estimate the key for a Humdrum passage |
melac | calculate melodic accent values for successive pitches in a Humdrum input |
metpos | assign metric position indicators to Humdrum sonorities |
midi | convert from **kern to Humdrum **MIDI format |
midreset | reset MIDI controller card |
mint | determine melodic intervals between successive pitches for Humdrum inputs |
nf | determine normal form for successive vertical sonorities in Humdrum inputs |
num | number selected Humdrum records according to user-defined criteria |
patt | locate and output user-defined patterns in a Humdrum input |
pattern | exhaustively locate and count user-defined patterns in a Humdrum input |
pc | translate Humdrum semitone representation or pc to pitch-class |
pcset | convert Humdrum pitch and pitch-class information to set-theoretic representations |
perform | play Humdrum **MIDI files |
pf | determine prime form for successive Humdrum vertical sonorities |
pitch | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to American standard pitch notation |
proof | check syntax of Humdrum **kern file |
recode | recode numeric tokens in selected Humdrum spines |
record | record live MIDI input in Humdrum **MIDI data format |
regexp | interactive regular-expression tester |
reihe | output specified row variant for a given Humdrum prime row input |
rend | split data tokens from specified Humdrum spines into component sub-tokens |
rid | eliminate specified Humdrum record types |
scramble | randomize order of either Humdrum data records or data tokens |
semits | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to numerical semitones |
simil | measure the non-numeric similarity between two single-spine Humdrum inputs |
smf | generate standard MIDI file from Humdrum **MIDI input |
solfa | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to tonic solfa syllables (**solfa) |
solfg | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to French solfège notation |
strophe | selectively extract strophic data for Humdrum inputs |
synco | measure degree of metric syncopation for Humdrum input |
tacet | reset MIDI channels to ensure silence |
thru | expand Humdrum abbreviated format representation to through-composed format |
timebase | reformat Humdrum **kern or **recip score with constant time-base |
tonh | translate selected Humdrum pitch-related representations to German pitch notation |
trans | transpose selected Humdrum pitch representations |
urrhythm | characterize Johnson-Laird rhythmic prototypes in a Humdrum passage |
veritas | validate that a Humdrum document has not been modified |
vox | determine number of simultaneously active pitches in a Humdrum input |
xdelta | calculate sequential numeric differences between successive Humdrum data tokens |
yank | extract passages from a Humdrum input |
ydelta | calculate numeric differences for concurrent Humdrum data |