pattern -- exhaustively locate and count user-defined patterns in a Humdrum input


pattern [-ciy] -f templatefile [-s regexp] [inputfile ...]


The pattern command is used to locate all occurrences of a user-defined pattern in some Humdrum input. The patterns sought may span innumerable data records. Occurrences of the pattern are identified in the output by line number.

The pattern sought must be defined as a separate "template" file. The template file is identified using the -f command option.

Pattern templates consist of one or more records. Each record specifies a standard UNIX regular expression -- followed by an optional "record-count metacharacter." The input is scanned from beginning to end, in order to find passages that match the defined template. In the simplest case, a match is deemed to take place when successive records in the input stream match the regular expressions given in each of the corresponding records of the template. However, the number of records in the matching input need not be the same as the number of records in the template.

Consider, first, a simple example where the template consists of the numbers 1, 2, 3 -- each on a separate line:


This template will match inputs such as the following:


or even

Figure 32
A more circumspect regular expression template might look like this:


(The caret (^) and dollar sign ($) are regular expression anchors that indicate the beginning of the record and end of the record respectively.)

Standard regular expression syntax provides three "counting" metacharacters that can be used to specify the number of occurrences of a given pattern on a single line. The counting metacharacters are + * and ?. If p is a regular expression pattern, then (p)+ will match one or more consecutive instances of p. Similarly, (p)* will match zero or more consecutive instances of p, whereas (p)? will match zero or one instance of p. The use of these metacharacters is illustrated below:

X+matches X, XX, XXX, etc.
X*matches X, XX, XXX, etc. as well as the null string
X?matches X or the null string
XXmatches XX
(XX)+matches XX, XXXX, XXXXXX, etc.
Regular expression counting metacharacters

These metacharacters can be used in conjunction with other regular expression operators and anchors to specify complex patterns. See regexp (6) for further details.

In the pattern command, the regular expression counting metacharacters may also be used to specify the number of successive records that match the regular expression. We refer to this use as "record-count metacharacters." Record-count metacharacters are specified by following the regular expression with a tab -- followed by either +, *, or ?. For example, consider the following pattern template:

The intervening tab characters are important here. They indicate that the metacharacters refer to the number of records rather than to the number of patterns in a given record. The first template record (X+) will match one or more lines containing the letter X. The second template record (Y*) will match zero or more lines containing the letter Y. The third template record (Z?) will match zero or one line containing the letter Z. The above template would match an input such as the following: three successive lines containing the letter X, followed by eight successive lines containing the letter Y, followed by a single line containing the letter Z. Similarly, the above template would also match a one-line input containing the letter X.

Note that the strings + *, and ?, are recognized by pattern as record-count metacharacters only if they appear at the end of a regular expression.

The pattern command will identify all possible matching patterns beginning at each point in the input. Consider, by way of example, the following template file (named template):

The following Humdrum input file is named example1:
Given the command:

pattern -f template example1

the pattern command will produce the following output:

4 patterns found from line 2 to line 7 of file example1
1 pattern found from line 2 to line 6 of file example1

The patterns are: 1-2-3-4-5, 1-2-2-3-4-5, 1-2-3-3-4-5, 1-2-3-4-4-5 and 1-2-3-4-5-5. Note that the entire input line is used for matching purposes. It doesn't matter, for example, whether the number "2" is matched in the left spine or the right spine -- only that the number "2" is present on a given line. This feature is useful for identifying Klangfarbenmelodie and other "threaded" or "diagonal" patterns that can be traced between spines. If the user wishes to avoid such diagonal patterns, individual spines should be extracted separately before invoking the pattern command.


The pattern command supports the following options:
-cmakes pattern-matching sensitive to comments
-hdisplays a help screen summarizing the command syntax
-imakes pattern-matching sensitive to interpretations
-s regexpskip (ignore) data records containing the defined regular expression
-youtputs appropriate `yank' commands in place of regular output
Options are specified in the command line.

By default, the pattern command is insensitive to the presence or absence of Humdrum comments and interpretations. Pattern searches may be made sensitive to occurrences of comments (defined in the template) by specifying the -c option. Similarly, pattern searches may be made sensitive to occurrences of interpretations by specifying the -i option.

Certain types of data records may be ignored in the pattern-search by invoking the -s (skip) option. This option must be accompanied by a user-define regular expression. All input data records matching the regular expression are ignored. This option is useful, for example, in skipping null data tokens, barlines, marked embellishment tones, or other types of data.

The pattern command does not directly implement an "echo" option -- such as provided by the related patt command. With the -y option, however, pattern will produce an output suitable for use with the Humdrum yank command. This permits the user to extract the appropriate matching passages from the input.


For additional examples pertinent to the pattern command, refer to the EXAMPLES section in the documentation for the related patt command.

Note that in the above example, the extensive capabilities for defining complex regular expressions have not been used. Refer to regexp (6) for further pertinent information.


DOS 2.0 and up, with the MKS Toolkit. OS/2 with the MKS Toolkit. UNIX systems supporting the Korn shell or Bourne shell command interpreters, and revised awk (1985).


grep (UNIX), egrep (UNIX), patt (4), regexp (4), regexp (6), simil (4)


If a comment is present in the template pattern, failing to specify the -c option will make pattern matching a logically impossibility.


The pattern command differs from the related patt command in the following ways: (1) patt always produces output conforming to the Humdrum syntax whereas pattern never produces Humdrum output. (2) patt does not support multi-record `wild cards' in the template file, and so limits the sophistication of the regular expressions. (3) The patt command provides "echo" and "tag" options.