Humdrum Representation for French Solfège


**solfg -- French solfège (pitch) notation


The **solfg representation permits the encoding of Western musical pitches using the common French system for pitch naming.

The **solfg representation distinguishes three types of data tokens: pitches, rests, and barlines. Pitches are encoded using diatonic pitch names, accidentals, and octave indications. In addition, **solfg provides limited capabilities for representing phrasing and slurs.

Pitch tokens consist of three logical parts -- without any intervening spaces. The first part uses the so-called `fixed-do' method of diatonic pitch designations: do, ré, mi, fa, sol, la, and si. The second part is an optional accidental preceded by an tilde. Flats (bémol) and sharps (di\o'e\ga'se) are abbreviated b and d respectively. Hence, `do di\o'e\ga'se' (do~d) for C-sharp, `la b\o'e\aa'mol' (la~b) for A-flat, `sol double-dièse' (sol~dd) for G double-sharp, `si double-bémol' (si~bb) for B double-flat, and so on.

The third part of a pitch token is the octave designation. The number 4 is used to designate all pitches between middle C and the si a major seventh above, inclusive. Octave numbers are incremented by one for each successively higher octave, and are decremented by one for each successively lower octave. Negative octave numbers are not permitted, so the lowest pitch in the **solfg representation is do0 (16.35 Hz). Only a single octave digit is permitted, so the highest **solfg pitch is si9 (15,804 Hz).

Once again, no intervening spaces are permitted within a single note. Notice that the order of signifiers is important for pitch encodings. Pitch letter-name is followed by one or more accidentals (if appropriate), followed by an octave designation.

Several notes may be encoded concurrently in a single spine by using the Humdrum multiple-stop convention: notes within multiple-stops are separated by single spaces. The following example encodes a C-minor chord as four pitches in two **solfg spines -- each spine containing a double-stop.

do4 mi~b4sol4 do5
Pitch tokens may be modified by the presence of additional signifiers. The open brace `{' denotes the beginning of a phrase. The closed brace `}' denotes the end of a phrase. The open parenthesis `(' denotes the beginning of a slur. The closed parenthesis `)' denotes the end of a slur. The semicolon `;' denotes a pause.

Rest tokens are denoted by the lower-case letter `r'.

Barlines are represented using the "common system" for barlines -- see barlines.


It is recommended that files containing predominantly **solfg data should be given names with the distinguishing `.slg' extension.


The following table summarizes the **solfg mappings of signifiers and signifieds.
0-9octave designation, where do4 equals middle C;
doremifasldiatonic pitches letter names
~accidental delimiter
~bflat (bémol)
~dsharp (dièse)
=barline; == double barline
(slur start
)slur end
{phrase mark (start)
}phrase mark (end)
;pause sign
Summary of **solfg Signifiers


A sample document is given below:
!! Claude Debussy
!! "Voiles"


The following Humdrum commands accept **solfg encoded data as inputs:
centstranslate **solfg to **cents
degtranslate **solfg to **deg
degreetranslate **solfg to **degree
freqtranslate **solfg to **freq
hintcalculate harmonic intervals from **solfg input
kerntranslate **solfg to **kern
mintcalculate melodic intervals from **solfg input
pctranslate **solfg pitch to **pc
pitchtranslate **solfg pitch to **pitch
semitstranslate **solfg pitch to numerical **semits
solfatranslate **solfg pitch to **solfa
tonhtranslate **solfg pitch to **Tonh
transtranspose **solfg score
voxdetermine active and inactive voices in a Humdrum file
The following Humdrum command produces **solfg data as output:
solfgtranslates **cents, **degree, **fret, **freq, **kern, **MIDI, **pitch, **semits, **specC, and **Tonh to **solfg


The following tandem interpretations can be used in conjunction with **solfg:
meter signatures*M6/8
key signatures*k[f#c#]
Tandem interpretations for **solfg


barlines, **cents, **deg, **degree, **freq, **hint, **kern, **mint, mint, **pc, pc, **pitch, pitch, **semits, **solfa, solfg, **Tonh, tonh