Solfa Syllables
solfa — representation for tonic solfa syllables
The solfa representation permits the encoding of extended tonic solfa syllables for the "moveable doh" system of pitch naming.
The solfa representation distinguishes three types of data tokens: pitches, rests, and barlines.
Pitches tokens are represented using the syllables do, re, mi, fa,
so, la, and ti — or their chromatic alterations: di, da, ri,
ra, etc. (see table below). Tonic solfa syllables can be determined
only with reference to some prevailing key. For example, the pitch C
is the tonic (do
) in the key of C major or C minor.
The solfa representation does not distinguish between major
and minor modes. Only the tonic pitch is of importance when
determining the representation for a given pitch. For example, in both
C major and C minor, the pitch A-natural is represented as la
the pitch A-flat is represented as le
The amount of chromatic alteration is not represented by
solfa; once a pitch is "raised," raising it further will not
change the note’s representation. For example, where the tonic pitch
is B-flat, both B-natural and B-sharp are represented by di
Octave designations are not represented in solfa. However, solfa provides limited capabilities for representing phrasing and slurs.
Several pitches may be encoded concurrently in a single spine by using the Humdrum multiple-stop convention: pitches within multiple-stops are separated by single spaces. For example, the following example encodes a 4-note tonic major chord using two solfa spines — each spine containing a double-stop.
**solfa | **solfa |
*C: | *C: |
do mi | so do |
*- | *- |
Pitch tokens may be modified by the presence of additional signifiers. The open brace `{' denotes the beginning of a phrase. The closed brace `}' denotes the end of a phrase. The open parenthesis `(' denotes the beginning of a slur. The closed parenthesis `)' denotes the end of a slur. The semicolon `;' denotes a pause.
Rest tokens are denoted by the lower-case letter `r'.
Barlines are represented using the "common system" for barlines — see barlines.
File type is dubbed `.sol'.
The following table summarizes the solfa mappings of signifiers and signifieds.
do | (pronounced doe) tonic pitch |
di | (dee) raised tonic pitch |
de | (day) lowered tonic pitch |
re | (ray) supertonic pitch |
ri | (ree) raised supertonic pitch |
ra | (raw) lowered supertonic pitch |
mi | (me) mediant pitch |
my | (my) raised mediant pitch |
me | (may) lowered mediant pitch |
fa | (fah) subdominant pitch |
fi | (fee) raised subdominant pitch |
fe | (fay) lowered subdominant pitch |
so | (so) dominant pitch |
si | (see) raised dominant pitch |
se | (say) lowered dominant pitch |
la | (la) submediant pitch |
li | (lee) raised submediant pitch |
le | (lay) lowered submediant pitch |
ti | (tee) leading tone |
ty | (tie) raised leading tone |
te | (tay) lowered leading tone |
r | rest |
= | barline; == double barline |
( | slur start |
) | slur end |
{ | phrase mark (start) |
} | phrase mark (end) |
; | pause sign |
Summary of solfa Signifiers
A sample document is given below:
!! Johannes Brahms
!! Waltz Opus 39, No. 15
\*\*solfa \*\*solfa
\*M3/4 \*M3/4
\*A: \*A:
=2 =2
do so mi
so mi .
. mi do
mi so mi do
. so mi
=3 =3
do la fa
. so
. fa
fa fa so mi
la do fa re
=4 =4
do so mi
\*- \*-
The following Humdrum command accepts solfa encoded data as inputs:
<span class="tool">vox</span> determine active and inactive voices in a Humdrum file
The following Humdrum command produces solfa data as output:
<span class="tool">solfa</span> translates <span class="rep">kern</span>, <span class="rep">pitch</span>, <span class="rep">solfg</span>, <span class="rep">Tonh</span> -- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The following tandem interpretations can be used in conjunction with solfa:
meter signatures | *M6/8 |
key signatures | *k[f#c#] |
key | *c#: |
tempo | *MM96.3 |
Tandem interpretations for solfa
` barlines, **deg, **degree, **kern, **pitch, **solfg, **Tonh, vox`