Metric Hierarchy


metpos — position in metric hierarchy


The metpos representation consists of simply a set of numerical values indicating the order of events. Normally, a metpos spine simply encodes a set of ascending integers marking the succession of events:


**metpos 1 2 3 4 5 *- ————

The metpos representation also recognizes kern-like barlines. The presence of an equals-sign ` (=) in the first column of a <span class="rep">metpos</span> spine is used to denote a barline. Immediately after the equals sign there may follow an optional integer value indicating the measure number (e.g. =107 &mdash; for measure 107). In addition, a lower-case alphabetic character may be appended to the measure number &mdash; as in: =14b. This convention permits the user to distinguish measure numbers for first and second endings. Measure numbers refer to the information immediately following the barline, thus the token =23` occurs just prior to the encoded beats for measure 23.

Double barlines are indicated by using two or more successive equals signs ` (==). Several consecutive equals signs may be encoded in order to enhance readability (e.g. =======). An additional attribute for barlines is the *pause* &mdash; which is represented by the&mdash; icolon (;). Thus the token =4; means that the barline starting measure number 4 has a pause written above or below it, while the token =====;` means that a double barline contains a pause indication.


It is recommended that files containing predominantly metpos data should be given names with the distinguishing `.mtp' extension.


The following table summarizes the metpos mappings of signifiers and signifieds.

0-9 decimal values . fractional delimiter; null token = barlines == double barline —– ———————————-

Summary of metpos Signifiers


A sample document is given below:


**kern **metpos *M4/4 *M4/4 *tb16 *tb16 *c: * =1 =1 8r 1 . 5 16cc 4 16bn 5 8cc 3 . 5 8g 4 . 5 8a- 2 . 5 16cc 4 16b 5 8cc 3 . 5 8dd 4 . 5 =2 =2 *- *- ———- ————


The following Humdrum commands accept metpos encoded data as inputs:

synco measure degree of metric syncopation urrhythm characterize the rhythmic prototypes in a passage – ——————————————- —————————————————

The following Humdrum command produces metpos data as output:

metpos generate metric position values for timebase-formatted kern or recip inputs – ————————————— ———————————————————————————————


The following tandem interpretations can be used in conjunction with metpos:

MIDI channel *Ch1 meter signatures *M6/8 tempo *MM96.3 timebase *tb32 —————— ———–

Tandem interpretations for metpos


` barlines, **date, **dur, **kern, kern, metpos, **ordo, **recip, **takt, **time, timebase, **Zeit`