**Zeit -- absolute period of time
The **Zeit representation is used to represent spans of time, such as the life-span of a composer, or the chronology of a rehearsal. The syntax for **Zeit is nearly identical to the **date representation. Since **Zeit represents a span of time, two date tokens must be specified and separated by a dash (-
). For example, the **Zeit data token1770/-1827/
represents the period from 1770 to 1827.The **Zeit representation includes all of the features of **date for signifying approximation (~), uncertainty (?), approximate value (x), uncertain value (z), as well as between-range (^), either-or (|), prior (<) and after (>) boundaries. Either one or both of the dates specified in a **Zeit data token may encode complex degrees of approximation or uncertainty.
Conceptually, **Zeit data tokens consist of two **date "sub-tokens." Zeit tokens are encoded according to the following basic syntax:
year/month/day/hour:minute:second.decimal-year/month/day/hour:minute:second.decimal The data tokens making-up the **Zeit information may be encoded in full, or may consist of isolated elements or parts. The following table shows the most succinct ways of encoding single date values within sub-tokens in **Zeit:
Notice that if a single numerical value appears, it is interpreted as seconds; if a single value appears followed by a slash, it is interpreted as a year; if a single value appears followed by a colon, it is interpreted as a minutes. Days and hours require two leading or two trailing delimiters respectively. In general, abbreviated forms of date sub-tokens tend to favor the two extremes of time: seconds and years. These are the time frames that are typically of greatest interest to music scholars.
eleven one-hundredths of a second 11
11th second 11:
11th minute 11::
11 o'clock 11/
A.D. 11 /11
November //11
11th day of the month Examples of date sub-components The **Zeit representation makes use of the Gregorian calendar and the 24-hour clock. Dates prior to the year 1 A.D. can be specified by prepending a minus sign to the year.
The **Zeit representation provides three distinct means for representing approximate moments. It also provides two independent means for representing uncertainty, as well as mechanisms for representing time boundaries (prior to ...; after ...). For the appropriate representation syntax refer to **date.
It is recommended that files containing predominantly **Zeit
data should be given names with the distinguishing `.zt' extension.
The following table summarizes the **Zeit mappings of signifiers and signifieds.
- sub-token separator (from-to); (must appear in each **Zeit data token) 0-9 decimal values @ year B.C. rather than A.D. / year-month, month-day and day-hour delimiter : hour-minute and minute-second delimiter . fractional second delimiter; null token ? date uncertain z value uncertain ~ date approximate x value approximate < sometime prior to > sometime after ^ "between" conjunction | "or" conjunction Summary of **Zeit Signifiers
Several examples of **Zeit data tokens are identified below:The following examples illustrate the use of the
**Zeit tokens meaning 1939/-1945/
From 1939 to 1945. 1817/06/02/-1817/6/15
From June 2nd to 15th, 1817. 1817/6/02/-1817/06/15
From June 2nd to 15th, 1817. ///10::-///11::
From 10 AM to 11 AM. 10::-11::
From 10 AM to 11 AM. ~10::-~11::
From approximately 10 AM to approximately 11 AM. >22::-<23::
From sometime after 10 PM to sometime before 11 PM. :11:51-:12:35
From 11 minutes 51 seconds to 12 minutes 35 seconds. .001-.008
From 1 millisecond to 8 milliseconds. 23.8-41.3
From 23.8 seconds to 41.3 seconds. //12/31-//1/1
From December 31st to New Years' Day. 1231///-1283/3/9
From before perhaps 1231 to March 9th 1283. <1724/2//-1724/4z/2
From before Feb. 1724 to April (?) 2nd 1724. 1848/|1849/-1851/
From 1848 or 1849 to 1851. /5/9/^/5/11/-//8/23
Starting sometime between May 9th and 11th ending August 23rd. Examples of **Zeit Tokens **Zeit
**Zeit **maker ?1644/-1737/12/18 Stradivari, Antonio 1794/4/9-1881/11/25 Boehm, Theobald 1797/2/15-1871/2/7 Steinweg, Heinrich 1814/11/6-1894/2/4 Sax, Adolphe *- *-
**Zeit **recording log /4/9:20:18-/4/9:20:20 Aria - Take #1 /4/9:20:20-/4/9:20:22 Aria - Take #2 /4/9:20:23-/4/9:20:25 Aria - Take #3 /4/9:20:25-/4/9:20:27 Var.1 - Take #1 *- *-
**Zeit **section 0:0-0:23 Introduction 0:23-1:58 Exposition 1:58.3-3:22 Development 3:22-4:51 Recapitulation 4:52-5:04 Coda *- *-
**Zeit **style ~1450/-~1600/ Renaissance ~1600/-~1750/ Baroque ~1775/-~1825/ Classicism ~1800/-~1900/ Romanticism *- *-
Currently, no special-purpose Humdrum commands produce **Zeit as output, or process **Zeit encoded data as input.
The following tandem interpretations can be used in conjunction with **Zeit:
meter signatures *M6/8
Tandem interpretations for **Zeit