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The humsed command is simply a Humdrum version of the UNIX sed stream editor. The syntax and operation of sed and humsed are virtually identical. However, humsed will modify only Humdrum data records, whereas sed will modify any type of record, including Humdrum comments and interpretations. Both stream editors provide operations for substitution, insertion, deletion, transliteration, file-read and file-write. When used in combination, these operations can completely transform an input stream or document.
The most frequently used stream-editing operation is substitution.
designate substitutions by the lower-case letter s
Substitutions require two strings: the
target string
to be replaced, and the
replacement string
to be introduced.
The syntax for substitutions is as follows:
No spaces are permitted between these elements. The delimiter can be any character; however, the same delimiter character must be used throughout the operation. The following substitution command causes occurrences of the letter `A' to be replaced by the letter `B':
Since the slash character (/) appears immediately following the s
it becomes the delimiter for the rest of the operation.
In this case no option has been given at the end of the substitution.
Since the delimiter can be any character, the above command is functionally
identical to the following:
If it is necessary to use the delimiter character (as a literal) within either the target string or the replacement string it can be escaped using the backslash character.
There are two ways to execute a substition operation such as given above. One way is to give the substitution as a command-line argument to sed or humsed:
humsed s%A%B% filename
Alternatively, the operation can be placed in a file
(for example, named revise
Then the stream editor can be invoked to execute the operations contained in this file using the -f option:
humsed -f revise
By default the output will be displayed on the screen. Using file-redirection (>) the output can be placed in some other file. Note that you should never redirect the output to the same file as the input -- this will destroy the original input file. If necessary, send the output to a temporary file, and then use the UNIX mv command to rename the output.
Suppose that you had encoded a musical work in the **kern
Having finished the encoding, you realize that what you thought were
marks are really
In the
representation, pizzicatos are indicated by
the double quote ("
) whereas spiccatos are represented by
the lower-case letter s
We can change all pizzicato marks to spiccato marks using the following
humsed 's/"/s/g'
Since the double quote is interpreted as a special character
by the UNIX shell, we have escaped the entire substitution
operation by placing it in single quotes.
(Alternatively, we could place a backslash immediately before the
double-quote character.)
Note also the presence of the g
option at the end of
the string.
Permissible options include any positive integer or the letter g
Without any option, the
substitute (s) operation will replace only the
occurrence of the string in each data record.
The g
option specifies a "global" substitution,
in that all occurrences on a given data record are replaced.
If the option consisted of the number `3', then only the
third instance of the target string would be replaced on each line.
target string
in substitution operations is actually a regular expression.
This means that we can specify patterns using the full power
of regular expression syntax.
Frequently, it is useful to eliminate certain kinds of information
from a file.
For example, we can eliminate all sharps and flats from
a **kern
-format file as follows:
humsed s/[#-]//g
Suppose we wanted to eliminate all beaming information in a score.
In the **kern
representation, open and closed beams
are represented by L
and J
partial beams are represented by K
and k
humsed s/[JLkK]//g
Alternatively, we might want to eliminate all data except for the beaming information:
humsed s/[^JLkK]//g
Sometimes we need to restrict the circumstances where the
data are eliminated.
For example, we might want to eliminate all measure numbers.
Eliminating all numbers from a **kern
file will have
the undesirable consequence of eliminating all note durations as well.
operations can be
by a regular expression delineated by slashes.
This tells
to execute this substitution only if the data record matches
the leading regular expression.
For example, the following command eliminates measure numbers
but not note durations:
humsed /^=/sX[0-9]*XXg
The operation may be interpreted as follows: look for lines that match a pattern where the first character in the line is an equals sign; if you find this pattern look for zero or more instances of any number between zero and nine, and replace that by an empty string; do this substitution for all numbers on the current data record.
Incidentally, Humdrum provides a num command that can be used to insert numbers in data records. The num command supports an elaborate set of options, but is not used often, so we won't describe it here. The following command renumbers all of the barlines in an input so that the first measure begins with the number 72. (Refer to the Humdrum Reference Manual for details regarding num.)
humsed /^=/sX=[0-9]*X=Xg
inputfile| num -n ^= -x == -p = -o 72
Suppose we wanted to eliminate all octave numbers from a
In this case we want to delete all numbers except when they
occur in conjunction with a barline.
Our substitution should occur only when the current
record does not match a leading equals sign:
humsed /^[^=]/s%[0-9]%%g
Suppose we wanted to determine which of two MIDI performances exhibits more dynamic range -- that is, which performance has a greater variability in key-down velocities. Recall from Chapter 7 that MIDI data tokens consist of three elements separated by slashes (/). The third element is the key velocity. First, we want to eliminate key-up data tokens. These tokens can be distinguished by the minus sign associated with the second data element. An appropriate substutition is:
s%[0-9][0-9]*/-[0-9][0-9]*/[0-9]* *%%g
(That is, replace by nothing any data that matches the following: a numerical digit followed by zero or more digits, followed by a slash, followed by a minus sign, followed by a digit, followed by zero or more digits, followed by a slash, followed by zero or more digits, followed by zero or more spaces.)
Having isolated only the key-down data tokens, we now need to eliminate everything but the third data element, the MIDI key-down velocities:
We can determine the range or variance of these velocity values by piping the output to the stats command. The stats command calculates basic statistical information for any input consisting of a column of numbers. A sample output from stats might appear as follows:
124 total: 5700 mean: 45.9677 min: 9 max: 102 S.D.: 232.37
The value n
indicates the total number of numerical values
found in the input;
the total
specifies the sum of these numbers;
the mean
identifies the average;
the min
and max
report the minimum and maximum
values encountered, and the S.D.
represents the standard deviation.
The standard deviation provides a useful way of characterizing
which performance has greater variability in key-down velocities.
Assuming that the above two stream-editing substitutions are kept in a file
called revise
we can compare the dynamic range for the
two performances as follows:
extract -i '**MIDI' perform1 | grep -v ^= | humsed -r revise \
| rid -GLId | stats
extract -i '**MIDI' perform2 | grep -v ^= | humsed -r revise \
| rid -GLId | stats
command has been added to ensure that we only process
command ensures that possible barlines are eliminated,
and the
command eliminates comments and interpretations prior to passing
the data to the
A common use for humsed is to eliminate signifiers that are not of interest. Stream editors like sed and humsed can be used to dramatically simplify a representation.
Did Monteverdi use equivalent numbers of sharps and flats? Or did he favor one accidental over the other? A simple way to determine this is to throw away everything but the sharps and flats. We can generate an inventory of just sharps and flats:
humsed 's/[^#-]//g' montev* | rid -GLId | sort | uniq -c
In some tasks, we might wish to transform a **kern
-format file so that
only pitch-related information is preserved:
humsed 's/[^a-gA-G#-]//g'
In extreme cases, we may wish to eliminate all Humdrum data from an input. The following command replaces all data tokens by null tokens:
humsed 's/[^ ][^ ]*/./g'
(That is, globally substitute all instances of the string
not-a-tab followed by zero or more instances of not-a-tab
characters, by a single period character.)
This sort of command can be useful in generating a file that
maintains the
but not the
of some document.
Incidentally, neither the
nor the
commands support extended regular expressions, so we are not able
to use the +
metacharacter in the above substitution.
Sometimes it is useful to delete entire data records rather than
simply eliminating certain kinds of information.
The d
operation causes lines to be deleted.
Normally, it is preceded by a regular expression that
identifies which records should be eliminated.
Deleting barlines can be done using the following command:
humsed /^=/d
Note that this is functionally equivalent to:
grep -v ^=
In the general case,
humsed /.../d
is preferable to grep -v.
Remember that
only manipulates Humdrum data records;
it never touches comments or interpretations.
command has no such restriction.
Consider, for example, the following command to eliminate
grace notes (acciaccaturas) from a **kern
-format file.
humsed '/q/d'
By contrast, the command:
grep -v q
would also eliminate any comments or interpretation records containing the letter `q'.
Suppose that we wanted to know whether a melody still evokes
a certain key perception even if we eliminate all the tonic pitches.
First we translate the representation to scale degree
and assemble this file with the original **kern
representation for the melody.
input> temp
inputtemp | humsed '/1$/d' | midi | perform
Of course deleting all of the tonic notes will disrupt the original rhythm. An alternative is to replace all tonic pitches by rests:
input> temp
inputtemp | humsed '/1$/s%[A-Ga-g#-]*%r%' | midi \
| perform
Perhaps we might want to eliminate all the pitch information, and simply listen to the rhythmic structure of a work. That is, we might change all of the pitches in a work to a single pitch -- in the following case, middle C:
humsed 's/[A-Ga-g#-]*/c/' | midi | perform
The substitute command can also be used to add information
to points in a Humdrum input.
For example, we might wish to add an explicit breath-mark (,
to the end of each phrase in a **kern
-format input:
humsed s/}/},/g
Any occurrence of the ampersand (&
) in the replacement string
of a substitution is a standard stream-editing convention which means
"the matched string."
Suppose we want to add a tenuto mark to every quarter-note in a work.
The following substitution seeks the number `4' followed by
any character that is not a digit or period.
This pattern is replaced by itself (&) followed by a tilde (~),
signifier for a tenuto mark:
humsed s/4[^0-9.]/&~/g
Some tasks may require more than one substitution command.
Multiple operations can be invoked by separating each
operation by a semicolon.
In the following example, we change all **kern
to eighth-note durations:
humsed 's/4[A-Ga-g]/8&/g; s/84/8/g'
The first substitution finds strings that match the number `4' followed by an upper- or lower-case letter from A to G. The matched string is then output preceded by the number `8'. This operation will change all quarter notes and rests to eighty-fourth durations. The ensuing substitution operation changes `84' to `8' and so completes the transformation.
In some situations, we will want to switch two or more
signifiers -- make all A's B's and all B's A's.
These sorts of tasks require three substitutions and
involve creating a unique temporary string.
For example, the following command
changes all
up-bows to down-bows and vice versa.
humsed 's/u/ABC/g; s/v/u/g; s/ABC/v/g'
The first substitution changes down-bows (`u
') to the
unique temporary string ABC
(In the **kern
representation ABC
is an illegal
pitch representation, so it is bound to be a unique character string.)
The second substitution changes up-bows (v
) to down-bows.
The third substitution changes occurrences of the temporary
string ABC
to up-bows.
When several instructions are involved in stream editing,
it can be inconvenient to type multiple operations on the command line.
It is easier to place the editing instructions in a file,
and use the
option (with either sed or
to execute
from the file.
Consider, for example, the task of rhythmic diminution,
where the durations of notes are halved.
We might create a file called diminute
containing the
following operations:
Each substitution command is applied (in order) to every line or
data record in the file.
The first substitution adds the unique string XXX
every number.
The ensuing substitutions transform these numbers to appropriate
diminution values.
We can execute these commands as follows:
humsed -f diminute
A useful feature of
is the "write" or w
This operation causes a line to be written to the end of a specified file.
Suppose, for example, we wanted to collect all seventh chords
into a separate file called sevenths
With a
input, the appropriate command would be:
humsed '/7/w sevenths'
Each line containing the number 7 wll be written to a file named
Similarly, we could copy all sonorities containing pauses to
the file pauses
humsed '/;/w pauses'
Of course there are other ways of achieving the same goal:
yank -m ';' 0
inputfile> pauses
Or even:
grep ';'
inputfile| grep -v '^[!*]' > pauses
In some cases, a stream editor can be used to eliminate or modify data
that will confound subsequent processing.
For example, suppose we wanted to count the number of phrases that
begin on the subdominant and the number of phrases that end on the subdominant.
command will allow us to identify subdominant pitches (via the number `4').
Since we would like to maintain the phrase indicators, we will
avoid the
option for deg.
However, the
option will pass
of the non-pitch related signifiers,
including the duration data which encodes numbers.
Hence, we will not be able to distinguish the subdominant (`4') pitch
from a **kern
quarter-note (`4').
The problem is resolved by first eliminating all of the duration
information (numbers) from the original input:
humsed 's/[0-9.]//g' input.krn | deg | egrep -c '({.*4)|4.*{)'
humsed 's/[0-9.]//g' input.krn | deg | egrep -c '(}.*4)|4.*})'
In texts for vocal works, identify the number of notes per syllable.
extract -i '**kern'
input| humsed 's/X//g' > tune
extract -i '**silbe'
input| humsed 's/[a-zA-Z]*/X/' > lyrics
assemble tune lyrics | cleave -i '**kern,**silbe' -o '**new' \
> combined
context -b X -o '[r=]' combined | rid -GLId | awk '{print NF}'
Identify the number of notes per word rather than per syllable.
extract -i '**kern'
input> tune
extract -i '**silbe'
input| humsed 's/^[^-].*[^-]$/BEGIN_END/; s/-.*[^-]$/END/; s/^[^-].*-/BEGIN/' > lyrics
assemble tune lyrics | cleave -i '**kern,**silbe' -o '**new' \
> combined
context -b BEGIN -e END -o '[r=]' combined | rid -GLId \
| awk '{print NF}'
Another useful feature is the
"read" or r
Whenever a leading regular expression is matched,
a file is read in at that point.
Suppose, for example, that we want to annotate a file with Humdrum
comments identifying the presence of cadential 6-4 chords.
First, we might create a file -- comment.6-4
containing the following Humdrum comment:
!! A likely cadential 6-4 progression.
We can use the Humdrum pattern command (to be described in Chapter 21), as follows:
File template
^\. *
= *
pattern -f template
inputfile> output
humsed 'cadential-64/r comment.6-4' output > commented.output
The sed and humsed commands provide stream editors that can automatically edit a data stream. We've seen that multiple operations can be carried out, either from the command line or from a file containing editing instructions. It should be noted that the sed and humsed commands provide many more editing facilities than those discussed in this chapter. Some 25 operations are provided by sed and humsed. For example, segments of text can be stored in various buffers, the contents of these buffers modified, and the results placed anywhere in the output text. Markers can be set at particular points and conditional branch statements executed. Stream-editing scripts have been written to execute programs of considerable complexity. However, for most tasks, the simple substitute (s) and delete (d) operations are the most useful. For further information about stream editing using sed, refer to the book on sed and awk written by Dale Dougherty (listed in the bibliography).