Sample Problems Using the Humdrum Toolkit

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  1. Determine the rhyme scheme for a vocal text.
  2. Identify any French sixth chords.
  3. Locate instances of the pitch sequence D-S-C-H in Shostakovich's music.
  4. Are German drinking songs more likely to be in triple meter.
  5. Determine whether Haydn tends to avoid V-IV progressions.
  6. Locate any doubled seventh scale degrees.
  7. Are dynamic swells (crescendo-diminuendos) more common than dips (diminuendos-crescendos)?
  8. Determine which English translation of a Schubert text best preserves the vowel coloration.
  9. Find all woodwind quintets in compound meters that contain a change of key.
  10. Identify all works that end with a `tierce de picardie'.
  11. Identify any Neapolitan sixth chords spelled enharmonically on the raised tonic.
  12. Classify cadences as either authentic, plagal or deceptive.
  13. Determine whether Beethoven tends to link activity in the chalemeau register of the clarinet with low register activity in the strings.
  14. Identify the most common word following `gloria' in Gregorian chants.
  15. Count the number of subdominant pitches in the soprano voice that are approached by rising thirds or sixths and that coincide with a dominant seventh chord.
  16. Count the number of tonic pitches that are approached by a weak-to-strong context versus the number of tonic pitches approached by a strong-to-weak context.
  17. Determine whether the words `high,' `hoch,' or `haut' tend to coincide with higher pitches in a vocal work.
  18. Identify how frequently the dominant pitch occurs in the horn parts.
  19. Identify whether large leaps involving chromatically-altered tones tend to have longer durations on the altered tone.
  20. Compare pitch-class sets used at the beginnings of slurs/phrases versus those used at the ends of slurs/phrases.

A more extensive alphabetized list of 350 problems is also available.

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