census -- determine general properties of a Humdrum input


census [-k] [inputfile ...]


The census command provides a summary of seven gross features of any Humdrum input. It provides counts of the total number of records (lines), the number of unique interpretations encountered, the number of comments, the number of data records, the number of data tokens, null tokens, and multiple-stops.

When the -k option is invoked, census provides a summary of a further ten features pertaining to **kern inputs. This summary includes the number of single and double barline records, the maximum number of concurrent notes, the total number of note-heads, the total number of notes (tied notes treated as single notes), the total number of rests, as well as the longest, shortest, highest, and lowest notes encountered.


The census command provides the following options:
-hdisplays a help screen summarizing the command syntax
-kalso output information regarding **kern-related data
Options are specified in the command line.

The -k option pertains to **kern inputs only. This option adds **kern-related information to the output.


The following is a sample output where the -k option has been invoked. Without the -k option, the "KERN DATA" would be absent from the output.
Number of data tokens:33
Number of null tokens:9
Number of multiple-stops:1
Number of data records:11
Number of interpretations:2
Number of records:14
Number of note-heads:8
Number of notes:7
Longest note:2
Shortest note:16
Highest note:cc
Lowest note:C
Number of rests:4
Maximum concurrent notes:2
Number of single barlines:2
Number of double barlines:1


DOS 2.0 and up, with the MKS Toolkit. OS/2 with the MKS Toolkit. UNIX systems supporting the Korn shell or Bourne shell command interpreters, and revised awk (1985).


**kern (2), humdrum humdrum (4), proof proof (4)


The source (which is also the executable) code for this command can be directly downloaded. Two files are necessarily: census and census.awk For each of these files, click on the link, and save the document on your system using the FILE/SAVE AS menu item in your web browser. Save the file using the default file name (e.g. census.awk). Please refer to the pertinent installation-related information.