proof -- check syntax of Humdrum **kern file


proof [-w] [inputfile.krn ...]


The proof command checks the syntax of **kern-encoded files. It may be used to assist in the detection and correction of **kern encoding errors.

The proof command scans the input stream for ten types of errors: (1) consistency of incremented measure numbers, and measure-number agreement between concurrent parts, (2) incoherent pitch tokens (such as assigning two pitches to the same note), (3) incoherent durations (such as assigning two durations to the same note), (4) notes that have simultaneous sharp and flat accidentals, (5) repeat encodings of trills, mordents, inverted mordents, ties, pauses, staccato markings, and natural signs, (6) consistent phrase markings (e.g. `{' must precede and be matched with `}' etc. with the exception of elisions (&)), (7) consistent slur markings (e.g. `(' must precede and be matched with `)' etc. with the exception of elisions (&)), (8) tied notes which differ in pitch or pitch spelling, (9) unequal total durations for each voice within a measure, and (10) the presence of multiple-stops that do not share the same duration. In addition, proof issues a number of warnings of possible data errors: (11) warn of files which do not end with a double barline, (12) warn of material encoded following a double barline, (13) warn of measures which change meters unannounced, (14) warn of the presence of identical material in consecutive measures, (15) warn of the presence of pitches which are encoded without an accidental -- where the same pitch had previously received an accidental in the same measure, and (16) warn of the absence of meter, tempo, key, and key signature declarations.


The proof command provides the following options:
-hdisplays a help screen summarizing the command syntax
-wsuppress output of warnings
Options are specified in the command line.

The -w option causes all warnings to be suppressed; only **kern error messages are output.


The following list tabulates all of the potential errors and warnings issued by the proof command.
Error: Incoherent key signature, line n: assigned more than one accidental to
the same pitch.
Error: Inconsistent barline indication across spines at line n.
Error: Timing error in measure x, spine y, at line n
Error: Double stops at line x in spine n do not have same duration.
Error: Unmatched ties in spine n.
Error: Incorrect pitch specification in spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect duration specification in spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect accidental specification in spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect ornament specification in spine x, line n
Error: Tie must begin on valid kern note, spine n
Error: Incorrect tie encoding in spine x, line n
Error: Tied notes inconsistent in spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect tie specification in spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect tie in spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect slur, spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect slur specification in spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect phrase marking in spine x, line n
Error: Incorrect phrase specification in spine x, line n
Error: Only one pause permitted in data token. Spine x, line n
Warning: No double barline in input.
Warning: No meter declaration for spine n.
Warning: No tempo declaration for spine n.
Warning: No key declaration for spine n.
Warning: No key signature declaration for spine n.
Warning: Measure n may be out of place near line n
Warning: Material follows after double barline at line n
Warning: Measure j identical to measure k at line n
Warning: Possible change of meter in measure x, line n
Warning: Accidental may be missing in m.x, spine y, at line n
Warning: No double barline in input.
Potential errors and warnings issued by proof.


DOS 2.0 and up, with the MKS Toolkit. OS/2 with the MKS Toolkit. UNIX systems supporting the Korn shell or Bourne shell command interpreters, and revised awk (1985).


census census (4), encode humdrum **kern (2) encode (4), humdrum (4), **kern (2)