Chapter 8
The Shell (I)
When you type commands, they are interpreted by a command shell. The shell is a program that interprets user commands before passing them along to be executed. Command shells are quite sophisticated and provide a number of useful features. Although there is a lot to learn about shells, we will explore only those features that facilitate use of Humdrum. This chapter is the first of four chapters scattered throughout this book where we will pause and examine some of the more pertinent and valuable features of the shell.
In UNIX environments, many different shells have been developed over the years. The original UNIX shell was the C-shell — a shell whose syntax is similar to the C programming language. A later shell was developed by Stephen Bourne and is known as the Bourne shell. Subsequent improvements by David Korn resulted in the Korn shell. The Bourne shell was improved in light of many features introduced in the Korn shell, and resulted in the Bourne Again Shell — known as Bash. The Korn and Bash shells are the most popular and powerful of the current generation of shells. Although they were originally developed for the UNIX operating system, these shells are also available for DOS, Macintosh, Windows, Windows 98 and many other operating systems.
(Editor’s Note: These days, the BASH shell is the probably the most common, and was
the default for many years on Mac OSX and Linux systems. Begining with MacOS 10.15 (Catalina),
the default shell in the terminal is the z-shell (zsh). This should still work well with Humdrum Tools,
but you can change it back to Bash quite easily (chsh -s /bin/bash
), if you’d prefer.)
Shells themselves are advanced programming languages that provide complex control structures. When you type a command, you are already writing a program — although most of your programs are just one line in length.
Shell Special Characters
The shell interprets a number of characters in a special manner.
When you type a command, you should know that most shells treat the
following characters as having a special meaning: the octothorpe
, the dollar-sign $
, the semicolon ;
, the ampersand &
, the
verticule |
, the asterisk *
, the apostrophe '
, the greve
, the greater-than sign >
, the less-than sign <
, the
question-mark ?
, the double-quote "
, and the backslash ``.
We’ll consider the function of each of these characters one at a
File Redirection (>)
Some of the special shell characters have already been discussed.
The greater-than-sign >
is a file redirection operator. It must
be followed by a user-specified filename; any output from the
preceding command is placed in the specified file. For example, the
following command sorts the file inputfile
and places the sorted
result in the file named outputfile
sort inputfile > outputfile
If the file outputfile
already existed, its contents will be
destroyed and over-written with the new output. Be careful not to
assign the output to the same file as the input, since this will
destroy the original input file.
Sometimes it is useful to add the results of an operation to some
already existing file. The double greater-than-sign >>
the new output to be appended to any data already in the named file.
For example, the following command sorts the file inputfile
adds the sorted lines to the end of the file named outputfile
If the outputfile
does not already exist, the command will create
sort inputfile >> outputfile
Pipe (|)
The vertical bar |
is interpreted by the shell as a ‘pipe.’ Pipes
are used to join the output of one command to the input of a subsequent
command. For example, in the following construction, the output of
is routed as the input to command2
command1 | command2
There is no practical limit to the length of a pipeline. Several pipes can be used to connect successive outputs to ensuing commands:
command1 | command2 | command3 | command4
Shell Wildcard (*)
The asterisk is interpreted by the shell as a “filename wildcard.”
When it appears by itself, the asterisk is expanded
by the shell
to a list of all files in the current directory (in alphabetical
order). For example, if the current directory contained just three
files: alice
, barry
and chris
— then the following
command would be applied to all three files in consecutive order:
command * > people
The file expansion occurs at the moment when the command is invoked.
So although the file people
is added to the current directory,
it is not included as its own input. However, if the above command
was executed a second time, then the file expansion would include
— even as the file itself is over-written to receive
the output. Including the output file as input is never a good idea.
Comment (#)
The octothorpe character #
indicates a shell comment. Any
characters following the #
(up to the end of the line) are simply
ignored by the shell. The following is not a command:
#grep OTL: filename
The comment can begin anywhere in the line. Here the comment begins after the filename:
grep OTL: filename # (Search for Humdrum titles.)
Escape Character ()
Sometimes we would like to have a special character treated literally. For example, suppose we wanted to search for records containing sharps in a kern file. The following command will not work because the shell will insist on interpreting the octothorpe as beginning a comment:
grep # filename
There are several ways to “turn off” the special meaning of a character. The simplest way is to precede the character by a backslash (\) as in the following command:
grep \# filename
The backslash character itself can be treated literally by preceding it with another backslash. For example, the following command searches for down-stems in a kern file:
grep \\ filename
Escape Quotations (‘…`’)
Another way of escaping the special meaning of shell characters is
to place the material in single quotes. For example, we can escape
the meaning of the octothorpe #
by preceding and following it
by single quotes:
grep '#' filename
Single quotes are especially useful for binding spaces. For example,
the following command searches for the phrase “Lennon and McCartney”
in a file named beatles
grep 'Lennon and McCartney' beatles
If the single quotes are omitted, the command means something
completely different. The following command searches for the string
“Lennon” in three files named and
, McCartney
and beatles
grep Lennon and McCartney beatles
A common mistake is to fail to match quotation marks in a command. The shell will assume that the command is incomplete until all quotation marks are matched (both single quotes and double quotes). In the following example, we have failed to match the quotation mark. When we press the return key, the shell responds with a change of prompt indicating that it is waiting for us to complete the command.
grep '# inputfile > outputfile >
Command Delimiter (;)
The semicolon (;) indicates the end of a command. Its presence allows more than one command to be typed on a single line. For example, the following line:
command1 ; command2
is logically identical to:
When both commands appear on the same line, they are still executed sequentially, so the second command doesn’t begin until the first is completed. Although the ability to place two or more commands on a single line may seem redundant, there are a number of circumstances where this feature proves useful.
Background Command (&)
After typing a command, the command begins executing as soon as you
type the carriage return or “enter” key. When the command has
finished executing, the shell will display a new command prompt.
Sometimes a command can take a long time to execute so it will be
awhile before the prompt is displayed again. Unfortunately, you
must wait for the prompt before you can type a new command. On
multitasking systems it is possible for the computer to execute
more than one command concurrently. The ampersand &
can be used
to execute a command as a background process. When a command is
ended by an ampersand, the shell creates an independent process to
handle the command, and the shell immediately returns with a prompt
for a new command from the user. UNIX systems provide sophisticated
mechanisms for controlling concurrent processing of commands. For
further information concerning these features, refer to a UNIX
reference book.
Shell Command Syntax
Shell commands follow a special syntax. There are six possible components to a common command:
- the command name,
- one or more options,
- one or more option parameters,
- a command argument,
- one or more input file names,
- output redirection.
Each of these components is separated by blank space
(tabs or
spaces). A command begins with the command name — such as
uniq, sort, or
pitch. A command argument is a special
requirement of only some commands. A good example of a command
argument is the search pattern given to the grep
command. In the following command, grep
is the command name, “Lennon” is the command argument and beatles
is the input file name:
grep Lennon beatles
For most commands, it is possible to process more than one input
file. These files are simply listed at the end of the command. For
example, the following grep command
searches for the string “McCartney” in the file beatles
and in
the file wings
grep McCartney beatles wings
Most commands provide options that modify the behavior of the
command in some way. Command options are designated by a leading
dash character. The specific option is usually indicated by a
single alphabetic letter, such as the b
option (spoken: “dash-B” option). In the uniq
command, the c option causes a count
to be prepended to each output line. In the following command, uniq is the command name, c
is the option, and ghana32
is the name of the input file:
uniq -c ghana32
In many cases, the option is followed by a parameter that specifies further information pertaining to the invoked option. In the following command, recode is the command name, f is the option, reassign is the parameter used by the f option, and gagaku is the name of the input file:
recode -f reassign gagaku
Options and their accompanying parameters must be separated by blank space (i.e. one or more spaces and/or tabs). If more than one option is invoked, and none of the invoked options require a parameter, then the option-letters may be combined. For example, the a and b options might be invoked as -ab (or as -ba) — provided neither option requires a parameter.
Whenever an option requires a parameter, the option must be specified alone and followed immediately by the appropriate parameter. For example, in the following command, the command name is trans, the d option is followed by the numerical parameter 3; the parameter for the c option is the number 4 and the input file is named gambia21.
trans -d 3 -c 4 gambia21
Since numerical parameters can sometimes be negative, it can be difficult to discern whether a negative number is a parameter or another option. In the following example, the -3 is a parameter to the d option rather than an option by itself.
trans -d -3 -c 2 gambia21
Output Redirection
Most commands support several input and output modes. Input to a
command may come from three sources. In many cases the input will
come from one or more existing files. Apart from existing files,
input may also come from text typed manually at the terminal, or
from the output of preceding commands. When input text is entered
manually it must be terminated with an end-of-file character
(control-D) on a separate line. (On Microsoft operating systems
the end-of-file character is control-Z.) When input is received
from preceding commands, the output is sent via a UNIX pipe |
as discussed above.
The different ways of providing input to a command are illustrated
in the following examples. In the first example, the input (if any)
is taken from the terminal (keyboard). In the second example, the
input is explicitly taken from a file named input
. In the third
example, the input is implicitly taken from a file named input
In the fourth example, the input to command2 comes from the
output of command1.
command < input
command input
command1 | command2
Outputs produced by commands may similarly be directed to a variety
of locations. The default output from most commands is sent to the
terminal screen. Alternatively, the output can be sent to another
process (i.e. another command) using a pipe (|). Output can also
be stored in a file using file redirection operator >
or added
to the end of a (potentially) existing file using the file-append
operator >>
. In the first example below, the output is sent
to the screen. In the second example, the output is sent to the
file outfile
; if the file outfile
already exists, its contents
will be overwritten. In the third example, the output is appended
to the end of the file outfile
; if the file outfile
does not
already exist, it will be created. In the fourth example, the output
is sent as input to the command command2.
command command > outfile command >> outfile command1 | command2
When two or more commands have their inputs and outputs linked
together using the pipe operator |
, the entire command line is
known as a pipeline. Pipelines occur frequently in Humdrum
A special shell command known as tee can
be used to clone a copy of some output, so that two identical output
streams are generated. In the first example below, the output is
piped to tee which writes one copy of the
output to the file outfile
and the second copy appears on the
screen. In the second example, the output from command1 is
split: one copy is piped to command2 for further processing,
while an identical copy is stored in the file outfile1
; if the
file outfile1
already exists, its contents will be overwritten.
In the third example, the append option (a)
for tee has been invoked — meaning
that the output from command
will be added to the end of any
existing data in the file outfile
. If the file outfile
does not
already exist, it will be created.
command | tee outfile command1 | tee outfile1 | command2 > outfile2 command | tee -a outfile
The tee command is a useful way of recording or diverting some intermediate data in the middle of a pipeline.
In this chapter we have noted that the shell interprets certain
characters in a special way. We learned about the octothorpe (#),
the ampersand &
, the verticule |
, the asterisk *
, the apostrophe
, the greater-than sign >
, the semicolon ;
, and the
backslash \
. In a later chapter we’ll discuss the remaining special
characters: the dollar-sign $
, the apostrophe `
, the less-than
sign <
, the question-mark ?
, and the double-quote "
We have also reviewed the syntax for UNIX commands. Commands can include components such as the command name, options, parameters, command arguments, input files and output redirection.