Humdrum Representation Reference

The following links point to various pre-defined representations in Humdrum. N.B. Users are free to create their own Humdrum representations, and need not use the representations described here. Further information about the documentation style is available.

barlines "common system" for representing barlines
**bhatk Bhatkhande system for transcribing Hindustani music
**cents absolute pitch representation in hundredths of semitones
**correl statistical correlation representation
**date absolute time representation (year, month, day, hour, minute, second ...)
**dB relative amplitude representation
**deg relative scale degree representation
**degree absolute scale degree representation
**diss sensory dissonance representation
**dur duration (time-span) representation
**embel representation for embellishment tones
**freq frequency representation
**fret generalized fretted tablature representation
**harm representation for Western functional harmony
**hildegard square notation representation
**hint harmonic interval representation
**IPA representation for International Phonetic Alphabet
**iv interval vector representation
**kern core pitch/duration representation for common practice music notation
**melac melodic accent representation
**metpos position in metric hierarchy
**MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface notation
**mint melodic interval representation
**ordo sequential order of events representation
**pc pitch-class representation
**pcset Fortean pitch-class set representation
**pitch American National Standards Institute pitch notation
**recip beat-proportion representation
**semits semitone absolute pitch representation
**simil similarity representation
**solfa representation for tonic solfa syllables
**solfg French solfège (pitch) notation
**specC spectral centroid representation
**spect discrete frequency spectrum representation
**synco represent degree of metric syncopation
**takt beat-position representation
**text vocal text representation
**time relative elapsed time (in seconds)
**Tonh German Tonh\o'o\(..'he (pitch) notation
**URrhythm represent Johnson-Laird beat prototypes for a passage
**vox# representation of number of concurrently active voices
**Zeit absolute period of time