Music 824: Computer Applications in Music Research
Ohio State University
School of Music

Humdrum Exercise #12

For this exercise you will need to know the following new commands:

UNIX Commands Humdrum Commands
uniq -c mint

Change directories to /var/opt/Humdrum/Scores and answer the following questions. For each question, keep a record of both the answer, and the command(s) used to find your answer.

  1. Some of Bach's chorale harmonizations have identical titles. For example, BWVs 270, 271 and 272 are all entitled "Befiehl du deine Wege". Create a list of duplicated chorale harmonizations titles for Bach.
    COMMAND: Answer.
    How many titles were used three times?
    COMMAND: Answer.
    ANSWER: Answer.
  2. In the African melodic collection, do most minor second intervals descend or ascend?
    COMMAND: Answer.
    ANSWER: Answer.
    Does this preference differ for melodies by Schubert? For Ojibwa melodies?
    ANSWER: Answer.
  3. Using the Jugoslavian collection, determine whether ascending intervals are more or less common than descending intervals.
    COMMAND: Answer.
    ANSWER: Answer.
  4. Using the Alsatian collection, determine whether perfect 5ths and major/minor sixth are more or likely to ascend or descend.
    COMMAND: Answer.
    ANSWER: Answer.
  5. What is the most common melodic interval in the Chinese folksong collection?
    COMMAND: Answer.
    ANSWER: Answer.

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